So much has been accomplished over these last ten years for the World Campus Alumni Society (WCAS), thanks to the hard work and dedication of alumni, volunteers, and staff. Take a moment to reflect on some of our favorite highlights and accomplishments in this brief retrospective.
WCAS Timeline 2014–2024
October 24, 2014: WCAS Launches to Serve World Campus Alumni
The society earns representation on Penn State Alumni Association’s (PSAA) governing body, the Alumni Council, providing a way for World Campus alumni to meet and network with graduates from other colleges and campuses.
June 2015: Networking Events Bring Alumni Together
WCAS begins monthly online networking events and, later in the year, co-hosts in-person alumni career events in Philadelphia with PSAA.
August 2015: Penn State and WCAS Brand Refresh
Current WCAS mark established in conjunction with the Penn State mark refresh. The updated mark focuses on the head and face of the Nittany Lion Shrine in a more contemporary and engaging way, continuing its heritage and providing the same sense of stature as the sculpture.
August 2015: WCAS Gets Social
WCAS establishes pages on Facebook and LinkedIn.
October 2015: Faculty Huddle Series — The Five Myths of Online Learning
Vice President for Outreach and Vice Provost for Online Education Craig Weidemann speaks at PSAA’s fall Huddle with the Faculty event and shares what World Campus is, how online learning works, and the excitement surrounding the new WCAS in his discussion of “The Five Myths of Online Learning.”
January 2016: Website Launches
WCAS expands from a single page on the Penn State World Campus website to its own robust site featuring news, stories, engagement opportunities, and events for World Campus alumni.
February 2016: Outstanding Alumni Award Established
The inaugural World Campus Outstanding Alumni Award is presented to Jonathan Dambrot, a 2005 iMBA graduate. The award recognizes outstanding World Campus alumni for their success as leaders in their fields and for their contributions to society.
June 2016: World Campus Receives Circle of Excellence Award
World Campus wins a gold-level Circle of Excellence Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education for connecting Penn State alumni to World Campus students at the PSAA San Diego Chapter.
September 2017: Smart Track to Success Program Created to Benefit First-Year Students
The Smart Track to Success program is launched to provide a scholarship and coaching to selected first-year students to support their transition to online learning. The Charles E. and Carol E. Snyder World Campus Alumni Society Open Doors Scholarship in Penn State World Campus is created to support the program as a focus for alumni and friends’ giving. Later, the Richard and Claudia Fischer Open Doors Scholarship in Penn State World Campus spurs further giving to the program. Over time, generous donors create 13 scholarship funds to support students in Smart Track to Success.
August 2018: Outstanding Alumni Award Expands
The World Campus Outstanding Alumni Award program is expanded to two annual awards — graduate and undergraduate.
March 2019: WCAS Newsletter Begins Hitting Inboxes Every Month
In response to World Campus alumni’s growing interest in staying informed about and engaged with the University, the World Campus Alumni Society newsletter grows from an as-needed publication to a dedicated, monthly correspondence.
March 2020: World Campus Alumna Makes Impact During Pandemic
World Campus alumna Shelley Haffner uses her knowledge in public health preparedness and experience during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic to help Penn State navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
This grad helped Penn State mitigate infectious disease hazards
August 2020: WCAS Uses Online Experience to Engage Alumni
WCAS begins hosting a variety of new online events, including a book club and podcast listening sessions, to keep members engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
October 2021: World Campus Alumni Included in Homecoming Court
The first World Campus homecoming court is announced and includes an alumni court.
December 2021: Number of Total Alumni Passes Milestone
World Campus alumni count reaches more than 30,000.
There now have been 30,000 all-time graduates from Penn State World Campus
September 2022: National Online Learning Day Celebration
WCAS takes part in the first World Campus online learning day celebration, which recognizes online learners and the employees who support them.
January 2023: World Campus Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Penn State World Campus celebrates its 25th anniversary and the nearly 34,000 students who have graduated with a degree.
May 2023: World Campus Alumni Society Expands Online Reach
As newer graduates explore social media options beyond Facebook, WCAS creates an Instagram account to continue meeting alumni where they are.
Fall 2023: World Campus Holds Regional Meet and Greets
Vice Provost for Online Education Renata Engel holds first regional alumni events in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.
November 2023: Alumni and Friends Support Smart Track to Success on GivingTuesday
Alumni and friends — including 100% of the World Campus Alumni Society leadership — generously contribute sufficient funds to support one student for the entire one-year World Campus Smart Track to Success program.
Smart Track to Success to benefit from GivingTuesday fundraising campaign
June 2024: WCAS Participates in Penn State’s We Are Weekend
The WCAS hosts its first online event as part of PSAA’s We Are Weekend, encouraging Penn State, and especially World Campus, alumni to participate from anywhere in the world.
September 2024: New Nursing Version of Smart Track to Success is Created
In collaboration with the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, World Campus creates a new version of Smart Track to Success for students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) program.
World Campus expands Smart Track to Success scholarship program
September 2024: First Alumni Fellow Named
Richard Fischer, long-time advocate for Penn State World Campus, becomes the first Alumni Fellow nominated by World Campus.
Our story is just beginning
It won’t be long before Penn State World Campus will celebrate having more than 40,000 alumni, and we look forward to serving our highly valued alumni for the next decade and beyond. Be sure to find opportunities to connect and roar where you are with the World Campus Alumni Society in the monthly alumni newsletter and stories on this website.