The Penn State Center for Workplace Performance (CWP) is providing an online Zoom class to discuss Twisted Leadership over four afternoons: November 10 and 17 and December 1 and 8, from 1:00 p.m to 4:45 p.m. (ET).
The combination of the words twisted and leadership may bring to mind images of narcissism and self-serving destructive motives and actions on the part of power holders who happen to be assigned the role of “leader.” From the outset, however, we want to make it clear that this workshop focuses on a very different meaning for the words twisted leadership. We use these words in the spirit of the best of martial arts, conflict management, and opportunity-focused social interaction strategies that channel energy to accomplish a common good.
Twisted Leadership is intertwined, synergistic, empowering, developmental, high-involving, process-based leadership. It entails four strands (4 Ss) of leadership — self, super, shared, and socially responsible leadership — that, when combined, provide a powerful source of leadership influence. Accordingly, together, we will learn how to harness the four strands of leadership, how to adeptly transition between the strands, and how to combine the strands for enhanced effectiveness.
The course provides 14 SHRM/HRCI recertification credits for those who successfully complete the series.
The cost to participate is $695.