Penn State World Campus is now accepting applications for a new doctoral degree program in education that focuses on helping students to influence and shape the future of education.
The Doctor of Education (D.Ed.) can be completed in as few as 36 credits. This program aims to prepare those who want to work in leadership roles that shape the future of education, counseling, and human services. The program is offered online through Penn State World Campus in partnership with the College of Education at Penn State.
It is the first doctoral program in education and the fourth overall doctoral program to join the portfolio of more than 175 degrees and certificates offered online through Penn State World Campus. Applications are now being accepted for fall 2023 admission.
The Doctor of Education has been designed to allow students to customize the degree to best fit their professional and educational needs from various subject areas taught by the graduate faculty from the College of Education.
“We are excited to offer a D.Ed. online with the College of Education,” said Karen Pollack, associate vice provost for Online Education. “This degree provides access to the highest level of learning for those who want to develop and hone their practical skills to be future leaders.”
Pollack also praised each academic department in the College of Education for their partnerships with Penn State World Campus during its 25-year history. The Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Department of Education Policy Studies; Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education; and Department of Learning and Performance Systems all contributed to the creation and launch of the Doctor of Education program.
Curriculum designed for working professionals
“Students are excited about the opportunity to continue their education with us,” said Rayne Sperling, associate dean for undergraduate and graduate studies in the College of Education. “There are professionals around the Commonwealth and world who would like to have a Doctor of Education from Penn State. We are meeting this demand with the launch of the new Doctor of Education program.”
Complex problems in education require highly trained professionals who can use data-based decision-making and develop new practices to better serve the communities within which they are embedded. The D.Ed. is designed to be a flexible, practice-based research experience for people who want leadership roles that shape the future of education. It focuses on developing practical skills for industry application, which is different from prioritizing teaching and research in a Ph.D. program. Students can take electives within the following disciplines to customize their degree:
- adult education
- curriculum and instruction
- educational leadership
- higher education
- learning, design, and technology
- organization development and change
- special education
The D.Ed. also includes a capstone experience in which students will research and critically analyze a problem of practice aligned with their career interests. Students will also participate in a five-day, in-person summer summit at the University Park campus, where they will attend workshops and professional development opportunities.
This summer experience provides an in-depth opportunity for those enrolled in the program to work closely with each other and the world-class faculty of the College of Education.
A comprehensive portfolio of graduate education programs online
The doctoral program is one of 22 education degrees and certificates offered online through Penn State World Campus.
The offerings include master’s degrees in curriculum and instruction; educational leadership; higher education; learning, design, and technology; lifelong learning and adult education; organization development and change; and special education, as well as a variety of graduate certificates.
Learn more about the Doctor of Education offered online through Penn State World Campus.